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SSFC approves funding for student orgs

October 4, 2010

SSFC approved six student organizations to receive funding from ASM next fall. They denied funding to WISPIRG, CFACT and Badger Aviator.

SSFC Chair Matt Manes said they denied WISPIRG funding because their campaigns do not primarily benefit students.

Because SSFC allocates segregated fees paid by every student, they only give funding to student groups whose beneficiaries are at least 75 percent students.

“The goal with WISPIRG is to go out and effect changes on a local, state and national level,” Manes said. “No one is saying that their service isn’t valuable. It’s that we as students shouldn’t have to pay for them to go off and service the community.”

CFACT was denied funding because they did not return computer and camera equipment rented from SSFC in the five months they were given. Manes said the group intentionally violated ASM policy by not returning the equipment after multiple warnings.

SSFC denied funding to Badger Aviator because they never submitted a budget, and did not go to the hearing.

The groups may appeal the decisions to SSFC or the Student Judiciary.

At the end of this month, SSFC will begin allocating fees to the approved student organizations.  Those organizations will receive the funds next fall.

One Comment leave one →
  1. October 9, 2010 1:16 pm

    WisPIRG had to principally benefit students with it’s programming.

    Primary = 50%
    Principle = 75%

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